About Ron Tafoya

Ronald Tafoya is currently a Security Service Developer for AT&T Managed Security Services. Previous to this position  he was a freelance Security Researcher, was a Principal Consultant at RESPEC focusing on cyber security , a Senior Security Researcher at Intel Corporation and also the Technologist in Residence at High Desert Discovery District (HD3).  He has been working in security for over 25 years.  His background in security is broad; he has experience in product Security Lifecycle Development (SDLC), security policy formulation and implementation, is a subject mater expert in security penetration testing, and has worked on various efforts in the integration of cyber security risk management and privacy risk management into Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). He is a certified CISSP, CEH, and PMP and has been blogging on cyber security topics in various forums for the last several years.

He  is an active current member of Infragard and has held positions on various University, Research, and organization boards. He and his wife Rebecca have a son, Andrew. Ron enjoys outdoor activities like hunting, fishing, skiing, and is a Regionally Certified Soccer referee for AYSO.


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